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The Effect Of Love Graphics
Francis K Githinji
Why do women appear wearing bras and bikini all over in the pictures on the wall? It is because love graphics are appealing to the eye. Men especially are easily turned on sexually by women who are almost naked. They fancy watching picture and it gives them satisfaction. It might sound funny to watch a mere love graphic and get turned on by a graphic. They are there in all age brackets. That is the power of pornography. You get addicted to watching pornography because the power of sight is so strong it is unbelievable. This is why we work very hard to acquire attractiveness. Women can go to greater extents to achieve beauty. Some of the procedures are painful and risky but if they guarantee beauty they are considered worth trying.
Plastic surgery and bleaching are not very good procedures but women are ready to exchange beauty for anything. Physical attractiveness is a major confusing factor. Men fall for it. Who does not want to marry a beautiful woman? Every man wants to but it is not advisable. To marry one, you are inviting trouble. Just some piece of advise, there are two things you should close your eyes while choosing one is a wife while another one is a horse. Love graphics are very important. For example a photo for a loved one is a pure love graphic. There are some teenagers who cannot sleep without having a photo of their lover under the pillow. This is because a graphic says more than a million words. It provokes emotions which would not have otherwise featured anywhere. Love graphics can also be the wall hanging of the famous celebrities. Most of them love posing almost naked. They sing songs which speak to the bottom most part of the heart. They really stand for love icons and whenever they are hanged on the wall they represent love. Love is a theme which surrounds most settings. A family setting or church setting should be full of love. A love graphic of Jesus Christ hanged on every house or church signifies the religion. It softens the situation especially the hard talks in between the spouses. If you are a couple and you love the lord, when you are in between heated arguments, you are more likely to be cooled down by the sight of the humble picture of Jesus Christ. Have you ever been so down in your relationship but when you looked at the old photos you took together sometime back together you smile helplessly? I know you identify with the situation. You will be surprised by what love graphics can do. They help revive passionless marriages. Memories have a way of bringing back dead and forgotten feelings. A love that was once there is very easily shaken back. If you want to rediscover love make it a habit of having old photos with your possession. A family album is very important in a family setting. Make sure you take photos very often in order to help you during sad times.
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